6 Tips on Using Pinterest as a Research Tool

Costume design and fashion design are amazing creative fields. We as designers get to let our imagination run free and then see it come to life. What they don’t tell you is how much research and brainstorming goes into each and every design. Behind every design, specifically historical designs, there are hours of research.

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Annie TromboComment
Sleep Mask Sewing Tutorial

I’ve got this pile of scrap fabric that only ever seems to get bigger and never smaller. Anyone else have that problem? (*Every sewer raises their hand*) Well here is a quick and easy project that can help that pile shrink!

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Annie Trombo Comment
Making Fashion Work for You, Not the Other Way around

Sometimes it feels like fashion is an uphill battle. Everyone has had those days when it seems like everything you put on just doesn’t look right. Most of the time, however, instead of blaming the garment we blame ourselves. But what if we thought a little out of the box when it comes to our clothes? Most people think there is only one way to to wear a garment, and that is how the mannequin wore it in the store. NOT TRUE. You can wear that garment however makes you feel confident!

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