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Designer, Costumer, Vintage Consultant

Can you relate?

You have the perfect creative idea in your head but you’re not sure how to make it a reality

you Have a costumed event coming and you’re not sure what to wear

you’re Looking to add a unique look to your cosplay lineup for the next big convention

you Have a pinup photo shoot scheduled and want a new vintage look

you’re Looking for a designer who can professionally dress a full cast without going over budget

If you can relate to any of these, then I’m here for you! I’ve worked with professional theatres, film Production Companies, photo sets, creative influencers, and cosplayers.

Let’s talk more!

Theatrical Design

Rates starting at $2,500

What to expect…

  • Collaborative approach that leads to a cohesive design embodying the vision of the director

  • Extensive reference materials including research, mood boards, sketches, and color renderings

  • Clear and honest communication 

  • A balance between practicality and creativity

  • Hands-on work with the costume shop manager and costuming team

  • Staying within budget without sacrificing quality 

9 to 5, Guest Costume Designer for Annie Russell Theatre

9 to 5, Guest Costume Designer for Annie Russell Theatre

Cosplay for Amanda Guenther, Debuted at HOLMAT Orlando 2019

Cosplay for Amanda Guenther, Debuted at HOLMAT Orlando 2019


~ CLOSED FOR 2024 ~

Individual Commissions

Rates starting at $100

contact me for a personalized quote for your project

What to expect …

  • A costume tailored to you

  • A cohesive design based on the your inspirations

  • A practical design, that is both functional and cost effective

  • Clear and honest communication

  • Hands-on fittings

  • Additional expert fabric shopping available

  • A costume you feel confident in

Since my commissions are designed uniquely for you, my rates are tailored to each commission. Contact me for a quote and let’s get creative together!

With every commission, we start the process by examining your inspirations and ideas. Together, we work to create a design that is perfect for your project. If possible, I recommend at least one fitting to ensure the perfect fit of your costume. I happily accept commissions from outside the Central Florida area, but fittings are not included in the rate.

Please allow for at least 4 weeks for completion of most projects. Some projects may take longer depending on the complexity and project availability.

Costume Consulting

Rates starting at $100

I help you actualize your artistic vision, provide guidance and resources, helping you become a strong creative who can be proud of your finished costume or look. Costume Consulting is a virtual one-on-one service to assist in the creation of costumes, cosplays, and retro-inspired looks! I help you work through whatever road block you’ve hit in your costuming journey. This could happen at any point in the creative process! 

  • This is for you if you have an inspired idea but you’re not sure what steps to take to make it a reality.

  • This is for you if you’re not sure how to create your costume on a budget.

  • This is for you if you have a vintage style event to go to but no vintage clothing.

  • This is for you if you are in the middle of creating your costume, and you’re stuck and not sure how to move forward.

  • This is for you if you need help sourcing materials for your project.

  • This is for you if you’re looking for ways to make your creative process more efficient.

The best part is that after every session you walk away with knowledge that you can use in your future creative endeavors!

I have years of professional costuming experience that I want to share with you! I understand what it’s like to be learning along the way (I still learn something new with every project)! My experience has given me the skills and tools to research, source materials and clothing, modify and alter, communicate artistic visions, and teach others how to create beautiful cohesive pieces as well.

Additionally, you have the option to add a Personalized Resource Guide:

What is a Personalized Resource Guide?

This is a guide full of links to materials and items that you can use based on your needs that we discuss in your consultation. It includes two components: a vision board + a resource list.

  • Vision Board : full of images to help you when creating your look, including research images, reference images for shopping, fabric examples, color examples, and anything else that you can use as reference when creating your look!

  • Resource List : links to items and materials that you need to complete your look based on our discussion during the consultation. I’ll find multiple options that fit into your budget for you to use as a virtual shopping cart and you choose what works best for you!

For your appointment, choose either a 30 minute or 60 minute booking based on your project and the challenges we will be tackling. Come to the meeting prepared to talk about your project and challenges (design, sourcing, materials, detail work, sewing, making it on a budget, vintage accuracy, etc). When you book an appointment, attach any images or files you feel are important for me to see for our meeting. 

If you feel you would like a Personalized Resource Guide, then add that to your booking. This will be completed after our first meeting.

Custom Painted Vintage Jeans

Custom Painted Vintage Jeans

Annie was so amazing to work with and really made sure the costume I had needed was perfect. She fit it like a glove, which means a lot to me as I usually have difficulties finding a perfect fit for my body type. She was quick, efficient and really professional and pleasant the entire time we worked together and after. I highly recommend her services for costuming.
— Sammy S., OriginalKiller Clown Cosplays